Mvp build ragnarok i'm now looking at my trans build as in less than 5 hours levelling time i will be 99 hurrah! i'm looking for a build which will be good for MVPs only, as i don't do WOE and i've never done a party. com/r/RagnarokX_NextGen/comments/prsdv7/f2p_whi Okay, please note that this build is MOSTLY FOR MVP. Ranger is probably the most fun to gear (I Just get an mvp bow, maybe skill copy Storm Gust for mob control. These will both be tedious and time consuming, but if you really love ninja enough to go through with it, this is how you want to go about doing so. Assassin Cross or Stalker to lure large MVPs. The Applications section also has tips on *where* to use these builds (I. Creator. having 2 Ragnarok Online Revo Classic Guides. 7k DS isn't very nice on MVPs like gopinich garm and edda. Heavy damage for the mvp, and an attack for the minions. net from MVP Champion (Don't build an MvP Monk) Mental Strength AGI/Spirit leveling Monk AGI Combo is a fun/leveling build, but useless in WoE due to poor stat allocation, low GFist damage, and the fact that it's a control-click build. 6) Y ya sabes que hacer a matar todo lo que se intente acercar a tu guild. I stilll have my level 80 something assassin that i want to rebirth and level into assassin cross guillotine cross. Last time I remember is dishing out 7. MvP/PvE Build (+10 your gears for def) Headgears: Striking Headgear, Valk Helm or Expa Hat, Any Legandary Aura, and Balloon, Rucksack, Vote Cape or Curse Ring with 3 kiels and High Wiz Card Forsaken Ragnarok Online Powered by Invision Community. Ragnarok Online Revo Classic Guides. (Lord Knight/gloom/khiel etc) MVP Room and multi-client and gameplay for Assassin & Assassin Cross in Ragnarok Online. LUK is for Crits an Falcon, AGI ys for ASPD and Flee. Items are a big factor in these builds eg. (living in new zealand don't help!) any build Page 1 of 2 - Best Kagerou Build for Group MVP/Instances - posted in Expanded Classes: Hi Everyone, Now that the Mesmerizer is in the game, I can finally reset my Kagerou. Im building an Assassin and since critical attacks ignores hit (because they always hit) I was wandering if I should invest my stat points in luk or in dex for MvPing since the flee rate from some MvPs like Hatii or Mistress Here you'll see some clips from my MVP hunts as a Ninja. Thanks to convex mirror we don't need to search for boss manually (which is kinda annoying for some). - posted in Merchant Class: Ive looked through the forum and everyone tends to keep differing on opinions and leaves me with nothing much to infer from it. >< The equips I do have are as followed Upper Headgear: Luigi Hat Mid HEadgear: Sunglasses[1] Lower Headgear: n/a A Note: After becoming a Biochemist, if the player knew Bioethics in their prior life, they can regain it by speaking to the Job Change NPC in Valhalla a second time. Ragnarok Online Lord Knight PVM Bowling Bash Build 99/70. you wanna kill mvp or normal mobs? both are different builds. Following the section on "builds," there is a brief summary on how to use these builds, under the heading of Applications. As for stats, that's pretty easy Vit to survive, Dex for Bow damage/Instant Cast, Int for minor damage to mvp/minions. aspd, max hp, defense. No need to contstantly point out the obvious. Friday, March 11, 2016. g. Spirit is a WoE/PvP build focused on casting speed, survivability, and damage. This guide is made for Ragnarok Online by Gravity Game Hub Royal Guard Sacrifice Build: Sacrifice Build: ZeroGravity: 03/22/19 Royal Guard MvP Build: MvP Killer (Grand Cross) S N I F F U P: 03/22/19 Seamless RG STP: Save the Princess: Seamless: 04/04/20 Immortal Royal Guard: Caspen Dungeon Farming: Rios: 04/05/2020 RG SOLO: Faceworm Instance: Rios: 04/05/2020 General 3k Caspen Dungeon F. Started by akaiii, Feb 27, 2017, 11:27 AM. Getting rich is inevitable! Acid bomber build also known as 'Bomberman', is the evolution of alchemist's grenader build. Main Menu. Armor: Gloom Under Night Card Mvp x2 @warp ra_san05 F. Arrow storm/Aimed bolt -MVP Champ Gears and Cards? Weapon:2xTG, 2xAbyss Shield: Alice Card Armor:Tao+GR/2x Gloom (Depends what race/type of mvp you dealing with) Boots:2xGEC (Note: There's a few mvp that you can't asura. Stats:Str 100Vit 90Int 100Dex 90Future stas: → Ragnarok Online Community; The best of both worlds in one build, meet the battle forger! With the release of whitesmiths and an added 20 additional job levels, battle forgers are more versatile than ever STATS STR: 50~70 AGI: 50~70 ASPD: 180~185 VIT: The champ pic shown here isn’t as well rounded off as the one in the last pic; mainly because they’re built on personal preference. reddit. Welcome to RateMyServer Ragnarok Community. ; Builds MVP Killer Build. User If the MvP and/or its summons are slow, you can use the Fire Formation and continuously lure the MvP and/or Mob in circles while using the AoE Raging Fire Dragon skill. So Paladin playing Sacrifice/Matyr's Re Quote from: CrimsonRed on May 19, 2011, 03:50 PM with this you'd be a fcking walking tank, decent DPS through bragi and only Asura will take you down, however don't expect to take out any target worth dropping if you're not near bragi. If you are the original author of this guide and would not wish to have your work published here, please Ragnarok Online Revo Classic Guides. lack of knocwledge and experience. SKILLS. 70-90 Str is ideal unless you are building your SinX for something special like Beelzebub. Since rangers have a bit of versatility, builds can be divided into: Arrow Storm/Aimed bolt, Crit Warger, Trappers. 19, 2017 (always check the last pages for the latest posts/updates)Future Update/New Geneticist Sprites from jRO -not yet in iRO- (Credits: Tukki): Spoiler Geneticist New Sprite/Costume MVP lord knight build - posted in Swordsman Class: im presently an agi hybrid knight on 98/72% and have solo'd all the way. Eddga, Moonlight Flower, Dracula) and if you can get to survive their attacks and lob 3-4 Acid Bombs on them they'll drop down fast. i was thinking of using katars with katar Dual dagger build requires less Agi to achieve Max ASPD, where as you can switch Off-hand dagger to an Axe or a Sword to get better Attack, but needs more Agi to achieve Max ASPD. I have personally hunted MVPs with these items, completed Endless Tower solo, done 3k Caspen Dungeon kills, farmed at Bossnia, and more. Feel free to make your own hybrid build, or go your own way. It’s MvP only. Previous topic - Next topic. MVP Rebellion Build - posted in Expanded Classes: Hi Guys, Ive been spending more time vending than playing lately due to commitments, and havent really been playing as a result. stack dmg modifier cards in your weapon and as much max sp as possible in equips for high dmg. I've played extensively on 99/70 and 99/50 Pre-renewal and Classic servers and enjoy sharing my favorite Assassin moments on my YouTube MVP cards - they can impact your character build or economy. My Stat Builds: Based on a 175/60 Guillotine Cross. Str: 280-300 Agi: Your ASPD should be 195 Assassin MvP build help - posted in Thief Classes: Hi guys, the server has some mixed classic x renewal mechanics and that made me confused. He’s 142/33 atm. Playing: Ragnarok Online; Server: Chaos; Posted 31 December 2013 - 09:35 PM. this is the typical build for GXs who wants to hunt MVPs. I didn’t include any MvP cards, because they affect a build so much it’s pointless posting separate builds to pick 1 thing. Let us proceed to building your Equipment:? : What is the best headgear for Champion?!: LTD Headgear[ KIEL / FSOLD or MAYA P ] (depends on your build)? : What build?! : 1 Hitter, or Tanky Most recently RetRo(now dead) and then eventually Ragnagoats. tignan mo items MVP The cost of Acid Bomb is overcome by the zeny gained from MVPing while solo or in small parties. STR: 70-90; AGI: 1; VIT: 1-50; INT: 30-70; DEX: 30-50; LUK: 1; See Geneticist Builds for build strategies to work towards. The original author is Mibu and permission to publish this guide has been given to ratemyserver. How to get Abra: Monster Property Page 1 of 8 - Level 175 GX stat/skill build!? - posted in Thief Class: Is there any 175 Gx out there that could share their build. Revo Classic Paladin Guide. i know that its really hard to win over instant cast G-fist and acid bombs but for once, i want to see if LK can do some serious MVPs [Non-Renewal] High Rate Build Sniper. When they get close, go back some cells and repeat. I also hunted MVPs way back in the 2000's but i don't really remember much pre-trans MVPing from back then. Skills: PLAYING AS A MONK • Invest on good weapons • Use snap to enter/escape battles • Be sure to always have 5 spheres • Use absorb spirits on an opponent monk • Snap can be used to avoid getting damaged • Ask for lex aeterna before asura when boss hunting • Always have your asura pre-requisite buffs activated • Steel body is a good tanking skill even if you have no vit Yes, your right, since I didint want to make MVP card based build, I left Nidghog and Valk out. the MVP, Sniper with boss bow and/or Champ with boss chain just to kill the MVP, High Wizard for Aoe spells and Ice wall, Paladin in Gospel/Devotion build to keep people alive or tank low MVPs, and. Hey so i play on mid rate server and wondering whats the perfect equip for sniper for mvping i need equips for full dmg all new cards are avaliable i do not have aces to god items or mvp cards and the only customs are +7 to all stats[1] upper headgear and +3 to all stats[1] middle headgear and im wondering whats better + 9 bouble bound with 3 AK cards or + 10 SinX MvP build (Classic) - posted in Thief Class: Posted this on the classic forum but havent gotten a response in a few days: I just 99d my dual dagger SinX. Of course against Ifrit you equip differently then against Bio Bosses. Stats Str- 230~ (including bonus part) cap your Str around 220 to 230, because the attack you get is less significant for the amount of stats points that goes to make 255 Sage Build for PVM/MVP - posted in Mage Classes: As title says, any helpful information on building stats as a starter mage and skills for a Sage PVM/MVP Ive seen guides on other forums but mostly for Chaos server so I dont know if they will fit in this server (considering the fact we dont have as much items as they do). Back. MVP is an Hayroh's Geneticist [ft. ) PvM Builds: [BLDS1] Basic Grimtooth/AGI: (High DPS) Stats: 120 STR 110 AGI 50 DEX Skills: I've made some progress thanks to your advice and thanks to my new friend Relics but I'm still learning and I'll definitely be trying out all the MVPs to find a build I'm comfortable with. If you guys can, Make the list. Thanks! RAGNAROK ONLINE PRE-RENEWAL PALADIN MVP BUILD GAMEPLAYHello Midgardians all. Agi Unless you are going for an Agi-SBK build, it should remain at 1. There's no need for "PvP advice" if it's for a freaking MvP build. These builds could be mixed too some extent like AS/Crit Warg or Aimed bolt/Trap, just to make use of stat distribution, but could also be a purist build and just focus on one build. #RMCL #ragnarokm #isadorismogaming #girlgamer In today's video, we will be testing the new hero class Sunlight, in the PVE part. However, that time is long gone now, with most MVP VIT tweaked down to 30. Also IMO 2. Does great at MvP, PvP and WoE. he probably has enough investment in his gear to The way to go with a sniper at mvps is ankle snare+get +/- close and ds spam for most of them. Unless you go more then 11 or 13[it's one of them afaik] cells from where the mvp is, For MVP rangers, you will need a good agi build with high luck and crit chance along with well enchanted white wing set and a decent bow, either crit enchanted or a highly upgraded elven. PvP: Same Build, but using Chimichanga's Bow. Either crit katar or double dagger What would be the best way to distribute stats and what items/cards are needed. Here comes the tank! This build enable paladins to inflict massive damage while having a very high HP. Wizard is by far the class I enjoyed most to MVP with. what monsters etc. Cloack/Garment: i dont know what card put here but i use Skoll [mvp] x2 @warp for_fild04 - 05 F. What is an MVP in Ragnarok Online? Answer: MVPs are powerful boss monsters that give's you addiction. Sniper. As many have reached max level now I am wondering if there are those who have tried and successfully built an MVP build for the rebellion class, if it is possible at all. You can get a gospel slave for some mvps for the attack x2 and kill some stuff in 2-3 sbs, get a spec jur with 4 aks for general use Both builds work fine but SB EDP link > aspd crit sinx for most of the mvps even if the aspd crit vs demi-human mvps with flav katar is nice because of the nice dmg boost and the extra aspd. With enough VIT, it's possible to solo MVPs that most people have trouble tanking. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Assassin Cross/gx cross build for mvp and pvm? - posted in Thief Class: so i was told a while ago assassins are more pve pvm than shadow chasers. Ragnarok Online Guide A blog providing tips and tricks for Ragnarok Onlline Ragnarok Online Stalker Reflect Guide 99/70 MVP Build. But mostly it is on 150. Log in; Sign up Feb 28, 2025, 12:15 PM. I dont have any real good equips right now, so sad I dont even have a lower headgear. To show its performance, we Aspd is not straightforward at all. for mvp, you basically wanna go for asura strike build. I'll also be sharing my current MVP build - including equips, skills setup, attributes and more. Double Dagger build: Equips two daggers instead of katars, makes use of Double Attack skill. This is also why Suras opt for a leveling build that is more AoE oriented, and reset for an endgame single target oriented build once they are 175/60. 5k DS w/out foods. Vit You wont be tanking and you will be on Devo during MVP runs. You also have to mobar Desperado, Instead of giving you a single build, I would like you show how you can build up your Whitesmith. The Point-Click Builds . Scope of this guide. Sky Blow Build (Leveling Build) STR: 80+ AGI: 80-100; VIT: 95+ INT: 40 MVP [] Used to be that MVPs will fall in no time against Biochemists' Acid Bombs. i was thinking of using katars with katar About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Assassin Cross/gx cross build for mvp and pvm? - posted in Thief Class: so i was told a while ago assassins are more pve pvm than shadow chasers. Revo Classic Sniper Guide. Revo Classic Professor Guide. WoE Disclaimer: This guide is part of the content generated from Legacy RO’s Character Class Guides Event. The equipment and stat builds listed are for (my opinion of) optimal performance in a certain role. I don't know if it's enough or not, but it's already This is a complete one-stop station for anyone who needs information and answers about this elusive class in Ragnarok Online. Combo Champion tips • Pure combo builds max their combo skills to deliver maximum combo damage • Snake hat is a very useful headgear for combo monks • You can still continue the combo even if the attacks miss • Sohee card is an important item for asuraSohee card is an important item for asura Instead of giving you a single build, I would like you show how you can build up your Whitesmith. ) Build for Champion? You need to wear your Normal asura gear first before calculating your build. Double Strafe is affected by atk and atk can be raised with dex and a little by str (i think 3 or 5 str =1 atk, idk xD) . Gunslingers are bound to die. Build Breakdown. You can find NPCs selling different Elemental Converters in these locations: Water: turbo_room 95 121 (NPC is hidden, so look for it carefully); Earth: alexandria 138 147 (NPC is hidden, so look for it carefully); Fire: amatsu 134 94 (NPC is hidden, so look for it carefully); Wind: niflheim 178 193 (NPC is hidden, so look for it carefully); These other Elements can be [classic] which LK is good for MVP? - posted in Swordsman Class: hey guys, ive been so many champs and biochems who are ridiculously good at MVP (boss killin) but i want to see if LK is also capable of killing bosses. Professor (Prof) Double the trouble! For a pure magic build, a single cast of any bolt spell is enough to take down an opponent in 1 shot. I usually do around 100k to 107k dmg on Kasa (one hit's every time since lvl 80!!!) and depending on the mvp anywhere from 60-100k without them being lexed. this is all off the top of my head, haven't played creo since visionRO The bold explains why the build is terribly outdated. Whi Sonic blow assassin cross guide ragnarok online guide 99/70 server. super weak ng mga build mo and mga sinabi mo. Im starting it but Im not very well funded =D In this video, I share my AFK PvE and MVP builds! Check out the text guide on Reddit here: https://www. possible question: why dont stick on 100% Suras are very effective single target killers, so many of their end-game builds are specialized for killing single targets. Welcome to RateMyServer Ragnarok Myself, lacking MVP cards, I'd go INT VIT and rely on Strings for cast time and dancing for delay. Is this possible and what gear/build would I need? Im hoping to be able to hunt rare items from MvPs with him. anong pinagsasabi mo deads ung agi type na sin-X. If you are a Strafer, you need to take advantage of your enemies’ element, race and size. Currently, it is magic build and I am finding that my damage is severely lacking even compared to a Rebel that I have that has the same level (102/103). STATS INT: 90~99 Now as a Lord Knight i wanted to test my character boss hunting some of low tier mvp and see how effectively it can be done as a medium dps class, i hope you A blog providing tips and tricks for Ragnarok Onlline game from pvp, woe to zeny guide. Print. Most MVP are JOKE because they will die either one or three shoot Royal Guard MVP skill builds/stats? - posted in Swordsman Class: Before anyone links me to the thread, i have read the royal guard mvp thread a little. Ok so I made a sniper last night real quick and now I am trying to make him an MVP build. Guys eto na part 2 sa cheap MVP build for Sith. Boots: Fallen Bishop Hibram card x2 Mvp @warp abbey02 The rest of your status points should go to your VIT Points, this will be around 130~160 vit points for you depending on your build. Basic build, this class can be used to hunt (PvM), MvP and PvP. If he mentioned this is a PvP build anywhere point it out to me. Your cards and equips should focus on increasing Int and ATK. Amateur. STR: 110-130 4) La build lleva comidas +10 STR, DEX, VIT y AGI. Damage results will all be based on the instance "OGHCM". Much better with explanations and pictures. Paladin. PvP Acid Bomb will one-shot a considerable amount of players in PvP. P. In this guide, we break down the 1. All the builds exclude armor enchantments. (Cards used for the demo) Keep it in multiples of 10 to receive the bonus ATK. Soul Destroyer build: Can use either Swords or Katars. Hello, I have been searching for a well constructed build that focusses on pve and mvp. sorry this is a raw clip ulit. Very small population servers. RANGER-AS or Hybrid Build Why: +less than 1 or 2B (all gear, prism are important) +can access high burst damage earlier (999,999 are possible). A concise and simple Geneticist guide on MvP Build and Equipment. 1 DD DA = double dagger double attack ~> already outdated term. Alternative skill build #1 for the MVP Build: 1 Amp 1 Encore 10 Musical Lesson / Dancing Lesson 5 Melody Strike / Slinging Arrow 3 Unchained Serenade / Hip Shaker biochemist best build 99dex99int20+agi / 80+dex99int50+agi. We all also know that unless on a 4/2 SHR server. With the build triper nicely suggested I used I get up to 5. STATS Double strafer AGI: 90~99 DEX: Welcome to RateMyServer Ragnarok Community. The Combo Champion: Stat Build. Im not exactly sure how to build my character for killing mvps. - The best weapon is a Rudra Bow[4] (Custom, The game is a dynamic environment where strategic choices can significantly enhance your performance, especially when it comes to selecting the right MVP card in Ragnarok Mobile Classic. Play with em' find what works for you. Not sure if wickebine cat ears exists in other servers but they are top notch def reducing items. Listed below are different ways to build a star gladiator: Build 1. Cards? It's pretty easy there. you build him as you want him built. Revo Classic Creator Guide. Armor depends basically on MvP Summons. 0 WoE, 0 PvP. With the combined power of demonstration and acid terror, acid bomb was born, [sn2] Strafer Build. these are the just the base Page 1 of 2 - [GUIDE] Wizard for PvM - posted in Mage Classes: Welcome to my Wizard guide! If you have any questions or suggestions, please leave a reply! Im not an expert, but this guide will hopefully help the newb wizards out there. Hybrid/Casual (heroic backpack - oriented) Str - 92/100 Agi - 120 Vit - 92/100 Int - Below is a picture of my Asura Champ build. Skills: A good build MVP, returned to ASPD of Galtling Gunner. CC/FS] for MVP/WOE Build/Guide - iRO (jRO New Sprites) *Updated 08/19/2017 - posted in Merchant Class: Priority Posts (Edit/Updates)/FAQs: Last: Aug. Ang sabihin mo di ka lng marunong. Choose a build which you are comfortable gearing and upgrade your equipment slowly. I believe that Double Starfing will have better damage per second than Full AGI-CRIT Build (it's in a mid/low server). 5K. Agi is required to spam DS. Hello, i wanted to MVP with my professor in this low community server the rates are:5k/5k drop rates: 100% Non-MVP cards:20% MVP-Cards 10% Max Stats:120 I just play this server to kill some time and i was wondering if anyone can help me create a MVP build. 1. Log in; Sign up Mar 01, 2025, 11:04 PM. Ragnarok Online Stalker Reflect Guide 99/70 MVP Build Perfect Guide when you're in a server that has Battleground equipment. Quote from: jaydee078 on May 19, 2009, 09:25 PM Eow Guys do you have any link for an high rate creator build im playing 255/100 server, each armor slot [1] MVP card available too. When it comes to Aoe burst, sharp shooting build is very reliable due to its high damage and probably the only skill that can crit, combine it with double strafe and you'll be taking down opponents before they can even react. If the MvP All buffs take into account the basic Gunslinger buffs and potion of wild fury. Temporal, HBP, FAW. Good at PvM and Emperium breaking. for normal mobs, i assume you probably saw him use finger offensive. . I'll just teach you ways on how to improve the effectiveness and 4) La build lleva comidas +10 STR, DEX, VIT y AGI. net from Itakou, the owner of Legacy RO. e. Thanks for the following players for expanding this guide: mentalmidget, DexRain, Krispin, 1199150630192304937, nmccaa, Sonic Blow build: Uses katars to deal high damage on a single blow using the Sonic Blow skill. Keep it simple. its just basic disscussion. with the double atk critical update, this build was even more buffed. I am looking to solo MvPs with him. This guide is made to give awareness of Sky Emperor's crit build greatness. E. Each one has its own advantages and disadvantages i. Your whole build is more specific on each MVP. The Solo MVP Build Ragnarok M Classic Sorcerer Guide is designed to let you dominate boss hunts by combining relentless auto attacks with strategic crowd control and If the MvP have MvP or Miniboss summons (for example Satan) Stone Buckler with Alice Card is your best choice. now it's DD DA crit because of the double attack crit update. using 2 daggers, you take advantage of the innate double attack skill. STR is for some more ATK, weight limit and Beast Strafe if you want to use Link for Beast type MvP. Help me build an MVP Assassin No customs But has access to all MVP cards. Food Buffs:• Box of Gloom (+3 dex) • Box of Resentment (+20 atk) • Aloevera (level 1 self-provoke = +5% atk)Subscribe to avoid bad luck. Could someone please give a comprehensive yet simply put guide on build and equipment for an MvP Build Gene? E. s. 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. A Biochemist will usually beat the competition on almost any MVP. Character builds for TalonRO (Ragnarok Online Private Server) Sunday, April 27, 2014 [MVP/PVP] Champion Asura Strike Instant Cast Build For MVPs This is an IC (Instant Cast) build that is good for almost any MVP. All the build shown work very well for MVP. For BIO bosses you could use Battlegrounds + beret + gentlemens pipe for ultimate reduction. RMS Home New Servers Pre-renewal sniper mvp build pls. However, some MVPs still have high VIT stats(e. 5) La build lleva Awakening Potion. See Alchemist Builds for leveling strategies for just the Ragnarok Online Revo Classic Guides. You probably want at least 80 agi on an mvp RG, but you should get other stats first on a leveling build, like str, vit, dex. With an Orc Hero I'd likely just go INT AGI and im playing a low-rate non-renewal ragnarok. This is the build I use for lvling in Thor and for MvPing. For a comparison, before using Most of you can hunt MVP without this guide. In today video as always let's kill MVP. RMS Home New - Easy access to MVP Cards. Ragnarok Online Champion Asura Strike PVM Build. GOAL (Hit 2bil, NORMAL MODE Farm) Gloom Card Adding this MVP here as its really cheap nowadays and gives you lesser item requirements for this farm. What do I mean? Page 1 of 6 - MvP Geneticist build - posted in Merchant Class: Hi, I want you to crit my current geneticist build and give me some advices to improve it. I. This build is for Sprint+FSK or Whirlwind/Tornado Kick (or even the lazy kill like mine Point+Hit until dead) REMEMBER YOUR MVP'ing NOT PVP'íng needed items/cards items:fknight set (new player), candy aura, any rucksack ,2 Non DOnation Dex Belts headgear (with candy aura and rs =4slots in all)cards: 2 seyren windsor,orc hero,vanberk or 3 kiels,vanberk - headgear must be + 10 for seyren windsor to have ef Disclaimer: This guide is part of the content generated from Legacy RO’s Character Class Guides Event. Go Down Pages 1. Gears - MVPs often drop high-end equipment that can significantly boost your character's stats or be sold for a considerable profit. Stats - Str - 100 Int - High Priest for Ruwach during the Abra stage and to Lex Aterna vs. The original author is Nevermind and permission to publish this guide has been given to ratemyserver. 4000+ MVPs killed overall and even got a MVP card to drop. DEX is for damage. By the way, I saw a sniper solo garm with a luck/agi (blitz beat) build, and while I'm not a big fan as it seemed like he was getting destroyed by the garm babies -not good- he did manage to They are usually built as glass cannons that can dish out massive amounts of damage to groups of monsters at once, at the expense of survivability. Main Menu Home; RateMyServer. uvqb fcjwhsb gdsq rikwbh jexcb yykx reea nbnyvm jpepu nra mwqel zcmegozt lmir thwwgvs cfkoyz